I’m not sure where I get my positivity from. It certainly wasn’t from my Father. If he were alive today, we would all be doomed! I can hear him now. We used to call him Victor Meldrew or Alf Garnett, both equally pessimistic! It’s most likely from my Mum who had (and still has) quite a carefree attitude to life. Part of our childhood was spent in South Africa where my Mum was her happiest, sat by the pool drinking wine, smoking cigarettes, playing the guitar and singing! It was the 70’s! She would sit on her own in peace and would soon be joined by the cat, then the dog, then my sister, then me!
I know that I’m luckier than most. One of my friends in Australia is a Nurse caring for patients with COVID-19, I really can’t be moaning about being asked to go home and sit in my Greenhouse!
So whatever your situation, stay positive, drink wine, sing to your animals and most importantly, stay safe.
I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t shed a tear about the situation we find ourselves in. I have shed many! After 3.5 years in our shop, it was finally starting to get busy, especially since the introduction of our Coffee Bar. With more exciting plans in the pipeline and Spring on the way, I was really looking forward to the months ahead.

I know that I’m luckier than most. One of my friends in Australia is a Nurse caring for patients with COVID-19, I really can’t be moaning about being asked to go home and sit in my Greenhouse!
I am optimistic that my business will open again. There is no point in getting depressed about something you can’t control. I am going to continue making plans for when we reopen, look for new suppliers, design a new layout and keep in touch with everyone on social media (you poor things!). I’ll be planning a big relaunch party too, that goes without saying!!

So whatever your situation, stay positive, drink wine, sing to your animals and most importantly, stay safe.
Lovely blogs! Have greenhouse envy!! And yes. The floor is wonderful and the black works well, of course it would with your eye for colour! xx
I look forward to your reopening. Stay well and safe. 🌿 xx
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